
The approximate travel duration between Ahmedabad and Hasanfeer Saheb is 3 Hours .

Dhinoj and Selavi are two significant pilgrimage spots on the route between Ahmedabad and Hasanfeer.

Within the vicinity of Ahmedabad, there are approximately 9 significant Mazaraat).

The pilgrimage spots in Ahmedabad's vicinity include Khambat, Umreth, Hasanpeer, Kapadwanj, Galyakot and Pisawada .

The address for accessing the Mazars via rickshaw are Vora Na Roza, Saraspur, Raj Gate .


GCS Hospital is in close proximity along with various clinics available along the roadside near the Mazar.

Detailed information regarding the internal functioning and arrangements within the Mazar is available upon visitation.

Yes , transportation inside mazar is available at all times

The Raj gate is the only gate for entry and exit.

A Luggage room is available

Gilaf is available , but phool chadar is subject to availability .

Specific inquiries regarding rooms can be addressed upon arrival .

Yes , some rooms are equipped with Western commodes.

Yes , toilet chairs are available. However, subject to availability.

Yes , Both AC and non-AC rooms are available.


No, buckets are not allowed in the rooms. However, it is provided upon requisition.


No, rooms do not have refrigerators. However, the facility is available at the reception if required.

2 Beds

Each room typically accommodates two beds.

4 persons and 6 persons maximum

Rooms can accommodate a maximum of 4 to 6 persons.

eatables are strictly not allowed in rooms

No, eatables are strictly not allowed in the rooms.


No eatables are provided inside the rooms.


Yes, there are lifts available.

subject to availability

Yes, double rooms are available. However it is subject to availability

yes, subject to availability, have to deposit ITS card for service.

Yes, wheelchairs are available upon request (subject to availability). A deposit of ITS card is required for the service.


Yes, both hot and cold water are available.


Helper assistance for pulling wheelchairs is not available.


No, tosho is not provided. However, early jaman is provided in Mawaid for travellers at 6.15pm to 6.45pm.


23 hrs from the time of check in

Visitors are permitted a 23-hour stay duration from the time of check-in.

breakfast at 7 am to 9 am, lunch at 12pm to 2.30 pm, dinner after maghrib till late night

Meals are served according to specific timings: breakfast from 7 am to 9 am, lunch from 12 pm to 2:30 pm, and dinner after Maghrib till late night.

fajr namaz time varies , zohr asr 1 pm, maghrib isha times varies

The prayer timings are as follows: Fajr prayer time varies, Zohr/Asr at 1 pm, and Maghrib/Isha prayer timings also vary.

from 4am to 10.30pm , during maghib isha ziyarat will be closed for 30 mins to 45 mins

Ziyarat timings are from 4 am to 10:30 pm. During Maghrib/Isha, ziyarat will be closed for 30 to 45 minutes.

office is working 24 hrs

The office operates 24 hours.

Laundry services are available from 8 am to 10 am and 7 pm to 9 pm.

Ziyarat can be done during daytime; after Maghrib, ziyarat is closed.

2.5 to 3hrs depending on traffic conditions

It typically takes 2.5 to 3 hours for ziyarat, depending on traffic conditions.

24 hrs room can be obtained

Rooms are available for occupancy 24 hours.

from 9am to 11am, it is a voluntary service sometimes not available

The shifakhana operates from 9 am to 11 am, although availability may vary.

from 6.30 am to 1pm and from 3 pm till maghrib, after maghrib till 10.30pm

The mannat office is open from 6:30 am to 1 pm and from 3 pm till Maghrib, and after Maghrib till 10:30 pm.

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